Appointment and Consultation
(All initial consultations or follow-up appointments will be at regular cost unless your appointment exceeds 45 minutes )
The clinical assessment involves a consultation regarding your symptoms, a detailed clinical examination, a discussion of the findings and treatment/management options.
Most examinations require flexible or rigid endoscopy to assess the nasal cavity and throat.
David may perform additional procedures in your consultation to support your examination and assessment.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Your Policy
Ensure you are aware of your policy conditions, excess and terms prior to booking an appointment with our team.
Are you booked for an upcoming operation?
David is affiliated to provide some Southern Cross healthcare services.
If you're a Southern Cross member and are booked for surgery we can ask the hospital's finance team to check if you are eligible for surgical pre-approval. We have a special agreement with Southern Cross for some operations. That means we offer these operations at a set price. David or the Tūhauora team will let you know if your operation is covered by this agreement.
Step One
After a pre-surgical consultation with David or Vanessa, you will be placed on our Surgical List.
You can email our team to discuss or book a preferred Surgical Date.
Step Two
Once you have a confirmed surgical date, you must register with Personify.
Personify is the online patient portal for admissions at Kensington Private Hospital.
Step Three
We will let you know if you need to apply for surgical pre-approval or if the Hospital can do this for you.
If you are required to obtain approval, our team will email you a Surgical Estimate, GP Referral and Specialist Consultation Letter.
Non Contracted / Non Affiliated
If your operation is 'non-affilaited', we will email you an estimate reflecting the cost of your procedure.
The estimate includes three separate fees. 1x Surgeon Fee, 1x Hospital Fee, and 1x Anaesthetist Fee.
Please forward the estimate to Southern Cross for surgical pre-approval. Once your request has been accepted, please send us a copy of your approval letter.
Common Non-affiliated Operations
Neck Excision
Septorhinoplasty / Rhinoplasty
Revision Surgery
Contracted / Affiliated
Awesome, we arrange everything.
Southern Cross will inform our team if your treatment has been approved or declined. We then let you know. You should not receive any invoices unless advised by Southern Cross.
Grommets (Unilateral and Bilateral)
FESS - Sinus Surgery
Add on Turbinoplasty
Affiliated Operation
After your operation, you should not receive any invoices. Southern Cross will pay us directly.
Non-Affiliated Operation
You will receive three separate invoices if you have had a part-affiliated or non-affiliated operation. These will be sent to you via email.
When you have received all three invoices, send them to Southern Cross for payment. Southern Cross should pay us directly.