Step One

After your consultation you will be placed on our surgical booking list. We will email you further information, instructions and available operation dates.

Step Two

Once you have confirmed a surgical date you will need to register with Personify. Personify is the online patient portal for admissions at Kensington Private Hospital. If you have registered or had surgery at Kensington before, let us know.

Step Three

If applicable we will email you a surgical estimate to obtain prior-approval. Let us know if you also require a copy of your GP referral and specialist consultation letter. We will confirm your operation date when we receive approval from your insurance provider.

Admission & Arrival

Register with Personify Care so the admissions team can communicate with you about pre-admission times and instructions.  You should also receive a call from the Anaesthetist a few days before your operation.

Kensington Private Hospital's admissions team will notify you about your admission three days before your surgery.

Affiliated Operations

If you are a Southern Cross member and have an upcoming operation with us, you may be required to obtain prior approval. Please follow the button below for further information.

Estimates & Prior-approval

The Anaesthetist and Hospital fee may vary depending on the length of your procedure and the equipment used.

For an accurate Hospital and Anaesthetist estimate, phone the Kensington Private Hospital accounts team on 094379081

Our team will send you an estimate combined of 3 separate fees.

Please review and forward the estimate to your insurance company for prior approval. Let us know when you have received approval or wish to proceed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Payment after your operation

After your operation, you will receive three separate invoices. They will be sent out via email or post. Once you have received all three invoices, please send them to your insurance company for payment.

Local Anaesthetic Procedures (RBP)

If you are booked for a Rooms Based Procedure you will be conscious / awake. The procedure will be performed under Local Anaesthetic in the Tūhauora Clinical Procedure Room.

If you require a General Anaesthetic your operation will be done in theatre at Kensington Private Hospital. 


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